Dr Lucy Lu Principle Investigator China Innovation Hub Associate Dean, Global Engagement, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Inter-disciplinary research on innovation management including Triple Helix model innovation, Entrepreneurial Education (EE) in Global Higher Education, innovation in Management Education from East & West perspectives. Recent research has been focused on health innovation and innovation in creative and culture Industries.
Lucy has more than 15 years of experiences in global higher education management and has been in a number of academic and leadership posts including Director of MBA Programmes, Director of China Studies and current leadership role as Associate Dean (Global Engagement) in the Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University. Meanwhile Lucy leads the BU’s China Innovation Hub team which consists of researchers and professors across BU working on China related innovation projects. Lucy has been General Conference Chair of China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT) since 2008. She has successfully organized seven CAMOT International Conferences, which are well attended by global scholars, innovators and entrepreneurs as well as university senior leaders from the West and East. Lucy is the founding editor of the Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China and is also the Associated Editor of International Journal of Innovation Studies She holds Visiting Professorship in Henan University, Beijing International Study Universities, and Tongji University in China. |
Dr Xiaosong Yang Co-PI China Innovation Hub Associate Professor in Computer Animation, Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Computer animation, motion capture and synthesis, game development and special effects, big data mining, digital health, virtual reality, surgery simulation, computer aided design.
Dr Yang’s research focuses on a number of topics relating to computer animation, digital health, data mining, virtual reality and augmented reality etc. He joined the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) at Bournemouth University since 2003. As PI and Co-I, he has secured several research grants from European Commission, British Academy, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (UK), Higher Education Innovation Fund, Wessex AHSN, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, China Scholar Council, etc. His work on muscle modelling and deformation has aroused lots of attentions and has been widely reported by New Scientist, Wiedza I Zycie and MIT Technic Review etc. He has produced more than 60 peer reviewed publications that include international journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He has strong research collaboration with partners from China, USA, South Korea, France, Turkey, etc. |
Prof Lee Miles Professor of Crisis & Disaster Management, Disaster Management Centre,Co-PI China Innovation Hub Acting Deputy Dean (Research), Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) and International Crisis Management (ICM), European Union Crisis Management and Regional Crisis Diplomacy.
Prof Miles’ research examines the role of political and policy entrepreneurs in shaping foreign policy management and emergency responses to crises and disasters. He is developing concepts of ‘entrepreneurial resilience’ in international crisis and disaster management. He has been awarded the prestigious title of Jean Monnet Professor twice by the European Commission in recognition of his expertise in the field of research and teaching on the European Union and crisis management. He is particularly associated with the application of fusion theory. He is presently co-directing a post-doctoral research project investigating the role of regional crisis diplomacy and policy entrepreneurship during the Ukrainian crisis, funded by Sweden’s prestigious Visby Research Programme. |
Prof Hongnian Yu Faculty of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Mobile computing, modelling, scheduling, planning and simulations of large discrete event dynamic systems with applications to manufacturing systems, supply chains, transportation networks, computer networks and RFID applications, modelling and control of robots and mechatronics and neural networks.
Hongnian is Professor in Computing at Bournemouth University. He has successfully supervised 16 PhD and 16 MRes thesis. He has trained 11 post-doctoral research fellows. He has published over 200 research papers. He has held research grants worth over eight million pounds. He was awarded the F.C. William Premium by the IEE Council. He has won the Gold Medal on The World Exhibition on Inventions, Research and New Technologies, INNOVA 2009, and International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010; China Association of Inventors award; the 43rd International Exhibition of inventions, Geneva, 2015. He is serving on 3 editorial boards and has served on numerous international conference organization committees. He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. |
Prof Richard Li-hua Distinguished Visiting Professor, Bournemouth University |
Dr Lingling Wei Senior Lecturer in Business Law, Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Intellectual property law, trade mark, design and Patent law.
Dr Wei worked as a registered trade mark attorney in China for four years and now an associate member of Institute of trade Mark attorney in the UK. Currently Dr Wei’s research interest focuses on the legal regulation of ambush marketing. She have presented a few papers on relative topics at the international sports law conferences. She currently works with Professor Martin Kretschmer, Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM), on a research monograph titled Ambush Marketing: Sponsors, Thieves and the Law of MegaGames. |
Dr Tom Wainwright Associate Professor in Orthopaedics and Deputy Head of Orthopaedic Research Institute, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Physiotherapist, clinical academic and quality improvement specialist.
Tom Wainwright is a physiotherapist, clinical academic and quality improvement specialist. He has a broad range of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal related research interests, and is internationally recognised for his work on Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) protocols within orthopaedics. Tom is passionate about improving the quality of healthcare systems and works to help other healthcare providers improve the quality of their services. Tom has over 12 years’ experience of medical device research and innovation. The Institute of Consulting named him as the 2010 Young Consultant of the Year for his work on a portfolio if quality improvement projects. |
Dr Yumei Yang Lecturer (Academic), Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour
Yumei’s current research interests are organizational routines and organizational learning. Particularly, she is interested in evaluating how organizational defensive routines affect organizational life, such as organizational performance, organizational learning and job satisfaction. During her PhD, she developed a scale to measure organizational defensive routines. Her current study is to explore whether these kind of routines are more prevalent in Chinese culture than they are in the UK. |
Dr Zhidong Xiao Senior Lecturer in Computer Animation, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Motion Capture, Human-like Character Animation, Crowd Simulation, Image Processing, Biomechanics and Robotics.
Dr Xiao is currently a Senior Lecturer and the Programme Leader of BA (Hons) Computer Visualisation and Animation programme at National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA), Faculty of Media and Communication. Working as principal investigator of NCCA, Dr Xiao has developed various enterprise activities. Dr Xiao had successfully secured and completed a few commercial projects of 3D animation production and motion capture services for companies from China and in the UK. Working as co-investigator of NCCA, Dr Xiao has helped the team to secure and complete various research council funded projects. |
Thorben Hanel PhD Researcher, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University |
Key expertise: Technology Transfer, Innovation Strategy, Strategic Management
Thorben is currently conduct his PhD research on the Effectiveness and Appropriateness of Technology Transfer and Innovation Strategy within a Sino-German and Global context, which reflected in theoretical concepts of Innovation Capability, Absorptive Capacity and Business Model Innovation. His professional experience includes both academic and corporate roles in the United Kingdom, Germany and China, most recently as Research Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at the Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK), Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China. |