Our Mission

To address the dynamic global challenges and opportunities that industries and regions in China face in achieving sustainable growth

World-class Research
Working with the Chinese Government and partners across education and industry, the CIH conducting world-class research. Our core themes include:
• China’s Embracing Innovation
• Triple Helix and Regional Innovation
• Innovation and Entrepreneurship
• Creative Production and Computer Animation
• International Disaster Management and Cyber Innovation
• Technology Innovation and Manufacturing 4.0

Transdisciplinary Team

CIH adopts a transdisciplinary approach that brings together expertise across department, and faculties and research centres across BU in the field of business management, media & communication, science & technology and health & social science. The transdisciplinary approach will allow CIH team to address the global innovation challenges which is often multifaceted and related to the interests of various stakeholders (such as ‘sustainability’).

We will create global impact by
– Build a highly networked and impactful local presence in China
– Deliver a co-creation framework of fusion in which staff, students, governments and employers from the UK and China work cohesively for global impact
– Develop local talent to shape local futures in a global economy.

– Conducting high quality research
– Organizing global innovation forums / symposium and workshops
– Providing strategic consultancy to client
– Delivering bespoke executive development programmes